Highlands Forever Collection: A Highlander Romance Bundle Read online

Page 10

  The agitators had gained access to the great hall through the main doors. And as Alex got closer, he recognized several of the men—Angus’s supporters.

  Mathe and Jamie were at his side, clearing a path through the crowd.

  “We demand justice!” the obvious leader said. “Come back to Christ, Laird Alex, pick a chaste wife from among our daughters.”

  “Shut yer bloody mouth, Levi,” Alex spat as he bludgeoned the man with the hilt of his sword.

  Levi stumbled backward, his brow bleeding profusely. “I am unarmed, but unafraid to die for what is right.”

  Alex handed his weapon to Jamie. “And now I am unarmed.”

  Blood blurred Levy’s vision, but he dinna relent. “That woman…” he pointed at Keely who had made her way to the doors. “Is an abomination. A witch. She is responsible for Laird John’s death.”

  Alex growled like an animal and lunged. He knocked Levi off his feet and they rolled, Alex landing on top of him. Straddling his chest, he’d give the naysayer one chance to take back his words.

  “Ye have a death wish?” Alex asked.

  “I have the truth.” Levi spat in his face, which unleashed Alex’s rage.

  He punched him repeatedly—crushing his nose and breaking his jaw. “Marbhphaisg ort!” Alex would gladly provide Levi’s death shroud.

  “Alex!” Jamie tried to pull him off Levi.

  But Alex wouldna stop.

  “Laird Alex, the man is half dead already,” Father Michael admonished. “Please, for the sake of yer bride, show restraint.”

  As he raised his fist, Keely’s tiny hand covered his. “Alex.”

  He gazed up at her, sure he looked like a berserker covered in his enemy’s blood.

  “Ye have defended my honor. Let Jamie deal with him now.”

  Something about the way she gazed at him, the soft but firm sound of her voice, and the fact that she’d maintained her composure in the face of such violence on her wedding night, allowed him to think clearly again. He’d stop for her and no one else.

  Alex slowly stood up.

  “Get the bastard out of my sight,” he said.

  Jamie signaled for two other guards to assist him.

  Once the men were removed, Alex turned his full attention to Keely. She seemed unbelievably calm for what she’d just witnessed. He bowed out of embarrassment for not safeguarding her properly. No woman should be exposed to such violence. “I am sorry for what those men accused ye of, Keely. Are ye all right?”

  She dinna say anything for a long moment, but peered across the great hall, taking in the decorations and the finely set high table. “I am unharmed, Alex. But something troubles me more than anything those men could say. Are ye my groom?”


  “Why dinna ye tell me at the loch?”

  In a rare moment of tenderness, Alex caressed her cheek. “We were interrupted, remember?”

  “Ye had plenty of time to disclose such an important detail about tonight.”

  “I wish I hadna been so selfish, Keely. Sometimes my temper gets the best of me, as it does any man who’s been wronged.”

  “So ye wanted to hurt me?” Her voice was tremulous.

  “Nay,” he said. “I wanted to spend some time with ye, see if ye’d changed yer mind about staying here. Tis better to have a willing bride.”

  “I know this isna very easy for either of us.”

  “But we are both here.”

  “Aye,” she said. “I had two choices, accept this marriage or escape. I’m tired of running.”

  “I canna promise ye love, lass, but I can give ye comfort and pleasure—and protect ye.”

  “Ye doona love me?”

  Why did she have to gaze at him with those lovely blue eyes at a moment like this? Most men would lie about their feelings. But he dinna want to build their marriage on falsehoods. “I care about ye, lass.”

  “Tis a start.”

  “Aye. Give me yer hand, Keely.”

  He twined his fingers through hers, ready to stand before the priest and exchange vows.

  “Yer tunic is ruined,” Keely pointed out.

  Alex looked down at his clothes. Aye, he looked the part of a bloodthirsty Highland laird. All the better, for he must deal with the other men who had accompanied Levi into the hall. “If ye’ll be patient, there is one more thing I must do.” She nodded, and he turned his attention to the waiting offenders. “Rebels,” he said. “How dare ye disturb the peace in my home.”

  The six men dropped to their knees.

  “Please,” one of the men begged, “have mercy on us.”

  “We dinna mean to hurt anyone, milord,” another said.

  “Mercy…” two more cried in unison.

  He scoffed. “Did ye show mercy?”

  Silence enveloped the great hall.

  “I willna tolerate such behavior. Ye falsely accused my bride and dishonored the clan with yer filthy lies. Ye screamed for justice. And ye’ll have it. Mathe!”

  “Milord?” The captain stood at attention.

  “Bind these men and take them to a cell. Let them rot.”


  “After I am married, perhaps we shall sacrifice them to whatever god or devil ye want. For they are not worthy of living another day.”

  The crowd gasped. The days of ruling this clan with a light hand was over. John had done them a great disservice. Alex loved his people: he’d die for any man, woman, or child, but he wouldna tolerate uprisings of any sort.

  “Father Michael,” Alex said. “Get on with the nuptials.” No more delays. Alex watched his beautiful bride with renewed interest. She’d shown grace and courage.

  Alex had instructed the priest to keep the ceremony brief. There must be no misunderstandings. The vows would include her promise to be submissive. And in turn, he’d protect her, always.

  “Lord Alexander Joseph MacKay, repeat after me. With the Almighty as our witness, and in front of these good people, I do take Keely Marie Oliphant as my wife, pledge my faith in body and spirit, promise to be loyal and kind, pledge my strength and goods in sickness and health, in whatever condition the Lord will place me, until in death we do part.”

  Alex dinna hesitate. He’d have this woman—to tame like he would the wildest mare.

  Keely held his gaze as she recited her vow.

  “With the Almighty as our witness, I do take Alexander Joseph MacKay as my husband, pledge my faith in body and spirit, promise to honor him as laird and master, to remain obedient, and swear fealty to Clan MacKay. I pledge my life in sickness and health, in whatever condition the Lord will place me, until in death we do part.”

  Alex slipped a delicate gold band on Keely’s finger, sealing their union.

  After a short prayer, the priest tied their right hands together with a strip of MacKay tartan, then laid his hands on their heads. “May the Almighty keep and bless ye forever.”

  The crowd cheered.

  “Ye may kiss the bride, Laird Alex,” Father Michael announced.

  Alex tugged Keely into his arms, not giving her time to think. He captured her mouth with his, and to his delight, her lips parted. Their tongues swirled together in urgent need. His grip tightened about her, and she leaned into him, kissing him back—threatening his tight control. Nay, the lass wouldna steal his sanity.

  He pulled back, desperate to taste her again. “Aye, lass,” he muttered. “Tis a promise of what’s to come. What should have happened long ago. I will make ye a woman tonight, Keely. And if I’m blessed, maybe plant my first son inside ye.” She made his pikk as hard as a steel rod.

  The musicians began to play again, and Alex steered his bride to the high table. “Drink and eat,” he suggested warmly. “Ye’ll need yer strength this eve, and every night in the foreseeable future.”


  Nothing felt real. Even with her groom smiling at her—she still couldna wrap her mind around it. The man she had always loved, wept for, missed every day of her f
ive-year absence, was her husband now. A dream come true, with one striking difference—he dinna love her. Hearing those words come out of his mouth broke her heart but dinna dissuade her in the least. She’d willingly taken him as her husband. That’s how it always should have been. His denial only made her more determined to win his heart back.

  As much as he carried on about how she belonged to him, they truly belonged to each other. Alex raised his cup and toasted her beauty. The crowd followed suit, blessing their marriage.

  “When will ye let my father know about our marriage.”

  “I have already dispatched a messenger.”

  That surprised her. “He willna be happy about it.”

  “What is the worst thing that can happen? God and the law are on our side, lass. Though I will rue the day he shows up here.”

  She sighed and rested her elbows on the table. Aye, her father and brothers would come after her once they found out. Laird Oliphant dinna like being made a fool of.

  “Doona fash, Keely. I will deal with him.”

  “I believe ye,” she said. “But it doesna make it any easier for me. He will see my time with the Sutherlands as a black mark on his name.”

  Alex shushed her and kissed her cheek. “Think about it tomorrow. Tonight, we celebrate.”

  “I will try.”

  “Good,” he said. “Taste the lamb.”

  After she ate the tenderest morsels of meat Alex had cut, the servants brought out platters of sweet bread, cheese, fresh fruit, and more wine. The best she’d ever tasted.

  “Where did this wine come from?” she asked Alex.


  “How many times have ye visited that country?”

  “Many times.”

  “Is the sea as warm and blue as rumored?’

  “Aye,” he said. “As blue and fathomless as yer eyes. As hot as our bed will be tonight.”

  His answer made her blush. Though she had never been with a man, she often wondered what Alex would look like naked. He’d inspired countless fantasies on many a lonely night. Now she had the right to touch and kiss him. She covered her mouth, ashamed of her impure thoughts. Such things weren’t appropriate for a maiden to consider, but he made it difficult to not think about it. Every time he gazed at her, it was as if he was undressing her with his eyes.

  “Ye look beautiful in the rubies, lass.”

  “Thank ye,” she said. “I doona deserve such gifts, Alex.”

  “Keep the jewelry. There will be times such luxuries are necessary to wear.”

  Keely touched the stone at her throat. “Nay,” she said again. “After tonight, please take them back.”

  “I willna.” He took a drink of wine.

  Why did he insist she keep them? “Did ye sail to Scotland with the intent of getting married?”

  Alex signaled for a servant to refill his cup. “Nay. I came here to see John and to provide the necessary gold for him to hire mercenaries to protect our assets, nothing more.”

  “Why were ye in possession of such jewels?”

  He chuckled at her question. “Does it matter?”

  “I know about yer concubines, Alex.”

  He waved a hand dismissively. “I am not the kind of man to hide anything, lass. Ye should know that already. The clan is fully aware of who and what I am, where I’ve lived and how I lived. Men have needs, and in Constantinople, sex is not something men are ashamed of. It’s considered a matter of good health.”

  Keely nearly choked at the absurdity of his explanation. “A matter of good health? Like eating enough food or having warm clothes to wear?”


  He actually believed what he was saying. “And now?”

  “The only thing that has changed is I have a wife to share my bed with.”

  “What if I want a separate chamber?”

  “Nay. Ye will sleep with me every night.” He covered her hand with his. “Ye willna want to be apart from me once we spend our first night together, lass. I am a generous lover. I’ll never hurt ye or force ye to do anything ye are uncomfortable with.”

  The words stole her breath. She believed him, but the thought of him still owning concubines, even if they were thousands of miles away, left her unhappy. “Who does this jewelry belong to?”

  He sighed. “If ye must know, they were intended for Layla, my favorite concubine.”

  Keely pushed her chair back from the table, intending to leave the great hall.

  Alex wouldna let her, he gripped her upper arm and shook his head. “Ye willna leave the celebration. In the future, think before ye ask such questions.”

  “I had my suspicions about it already. I am sure my dress was a gift for another woman. Perhaps ye could still send it to her.” She’d meant as a way to lighten the mood but it had come out sounding more severe.

  Alex grimaced. “I doona want to hear another word on the matter.”

  “Will ye keep the women, then?”

  “Do ye wish me to bring them here?”

  His arrogance made her angry. Would she ever be enough to satisfy him? She knew little about the art of lovemaking. His eyes flickered with amusement, but she dinna find it entertaining at all. “Send for yer women,” she said boldly. “As long as ye doona prevent Struan Sutherland from joining us, too.”

  The menacing look on Alex’s face told her she’d given him a taste of the humiliation she’d felt. How else would he learn to respect her feelings?

  “What did ye say?” he asked through gritted teeth.

  “If ye intend to bring yer concubines here, it would only be right if I were allowed to have a lover, too.”

  He tugged her close. “What are ye saying, lass? Ye’ve had relations with Struan?”

  “What do ye mean by relations?”

  “Would ye like me clear the high table of all its succor, spread ye out, and show ye what I mean?”

  One thing became abundantly clear, her husband cared. How much, she dinna know. But his possessiveness meant there was hope for their marriage. “If ye wish, my laird.”

  He loosened his grip on her wrist, then gulped down a generous amount of wine. “Ye need to watch yer tongue, lass. If I…”

  “Laird and Lady MacKay…”

  Alex growled at the interruption as Petro bowed.

  “In the eastern lands we offer gifts to the bride,” the scholar said.

  Keely leaned close to Alex and whispered, “I wonder who these treasures are really meant for.”

  Alex snorted. “Be quiet, my sweet.”

  She smiled at Petro.

  “Who offers these gifts?” Alex asked.

  “Let me be the first to congratulate your beautiful bride—and to wish the both of you every happiness.” Petro climbed the dais stairs, leaving a bolt of scarlet colored silk on the table in front of Keely. “To match the color of the stones you wear.”

  Keely had never seen such fine material. Her fingers glided over smooth cloth. “Thank ye,” she said.

  “Did Laird Alexander tell you what the color red represents in the east, Lady Keely?”

  “Nay,” she answered.

  “Vigor and virility,” he informed her. “It’s also believed to increase a man’s appetite.”

  The people nearby chuckled, and she could only guess what they were thinking—perhaps the same as her. Petro wasn’t referring to the kind of appetite that made a man eat more bread; he clearly meant sex.

  “Ye are very kind,” she said.

  “If I may,” he continued, “there are several admirers who wish to thank you for inviting them to your wedding.”

  A man with skin the color of the earth stepped forward. He wore a loose-fitting tunic, leather braes, and boots. His hair and eyes were even darker than Petro’s. A curved sword like Alex’s and several knives were secured on his weapon belt.

  “May I present, Cyrus Bin Kalil and his brothers, Kuresh and Nasim—all sons of Kalil, a lord of Constantinople.”

  The handsome men bowed,
and Cyrus joined Petro on the dais, offering her a blue stone. “Sapphire, the color of your eyes,” he said in perfect Gaelic with a strange accent. “I wish you joy and many sons.”

  Kuresh followed, presenting her with an emerald, and then Nasim, who offered her a bag filled with gold coins.

  Careful to appreciate each gift, she dinna know how to thank them. “I am humbled—truly grateful. How can I…”

  Alex stood. “What my wife wishes to say, is she would be honored to dance with ye.” He waved his hand at the musicians. “Play—I want to hear music and see everyone dancing.”

  “Alex … I…”

  “Ye will entertain these men, Keely. And when ye finish, I will have my dance.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Do ye still deny your feelings for the girl, Alex?” Petro asked.

  Alex had removed himself from the high table and chosen a spot near the main hearth. Though he enjoyed talking with his friend, he was only half listening. His beautiful bride commanded most of his attention as she danced with the brothers from Constantinople.

  Petro’s question grated on his nerves like stone on metal. “I have feelings.” He’d told the scholar that many times already.

  “Why not share those feelings with her? It will help.”

  “Help what?”

  “Settle things between you. I saw you arguing with her, Alex.”

  “Ye’re a nosey bastard, Petro.”

  “And you’re drunk, Alex.”

  “I’m many things this night,” Alex said. As for being drunk, the ale helped calm him. After nearly killing Levi with his bare hands, he couldna possibly take Keely upstairs and be gentle. Nay, he needed time to recover from the violence. And a blasted bath. He’d washed his face at the high table, but the stench of blood had stayed on his clothes.

  “Have I ever failed you?” Petro asked.

  “Why do ye ask? Ye’re like a woman who constantly needs reassurance about her place in my heart. Shall I speak of my love for ye?” Alex leaned over like he wanted to kiss his friend.

  “Christ.” Petro pushed him away. “I am not jesting. Whenever I offer guidance about Keely, you wave me aside as if my words do not matter.”