Undeniable (Highlands Forever Book 2) Read online

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  “I believe he will.”

  “Laird Alex will protect ye.” Miran squeezed Helen’s hand reassuringly.

  “I pray he will.”

  “Perhaps ye should let me finish yer hair so ye can go to sleep.”

  Aye—and maybe she’d wake up and find all of this was a bad dream.


  Jamie and Kuresh crawled through the snow, getting closer to the campfire they’d spied from the hills. Jamie had sensed trouble from the beginning. A woman like Helen Sutherland couldna possibly ride away from her home unnoticed.

  These trespassers proved him right. The question was, what should he do to them? Fight to fight, or kill? He stared at Kuresh. “What do ye wish to do?”

  His friend shrugged. “There’s no mercy in the desert. Why should there be any in the Highland hills?”

  Jamie appreciated the way Kuresh thought. His people believed in harsh justice—an eye for an eye. Jamie licked his dry lips, weighing his options carefully.

  The wet-cold bit at his skin, but he dinna care as he drew his sword, readying to attack. Four men were sitting about a blazing fire, passing a wineskin between them. And as he studied them, he realized they dinna wear Sutherland colors, but the red and green Munroe tartan.

  “Shite,” Jamie whispered.

  “What is it?” Kuresh asked.

  “I’d hoped for Sutherlands, not Munroes. Seems the lass’s betrothed has sent men to keep watch over her.”

  “She is a prize?”

  “Hair the color of the desert, eyes the color of crystal.”

  “She would bring much gold in Constantinople.”

  “Here, she’ll bring death if we doona silence these men.” The choice had been made then—dead men couldna talk.

  On the count of three, Jamie and Kuresh rushed from the trees, surprising the Munroe soldiers. Kuresh moved off to the left, and Jamie stalked straight ahead. Two challenged Jamie, and he quickly cut the first down, circling the other, the taste of blood already in his mouth.

  “Why have ye come here?” he asked.

  “Do ye not know?” the soldier countered, blocking a blow from Jamie’s weapon.

  “If I did, I wouldna ask.”

  “Helen Sutherland rode through yer gates tonight.”

  “And how would ye know that?”

  “We followed her from Dunrobin Castle.”

  The warrior’s answer left Jamie confused, for what sharp-witted man would let a lady escape and ride so far away from her home? When Kuresh appeared behind his rival, Jamie lowered his weapon, surprising the Munroe soldier. Of course, Jamie had no intention of killing him anyway; he needed information.

  “What are ye doing?” the warrior asked.

  “Letting ye live.”

  “I dinna ask for mercy.”

  “Aye, but I’ll give it. Ye’re worth more alive than dead.”

  Kuresh smashed the soldier in the back of the head with a wooden club he carried on his weapon belt. The man staggered forward, dropping his sword, then sank to his knees.

  Jamie kicked his weapon out of reach and moved in with a length of rope, tying the man’s hands behind his back. Jamie whistled, and four more MacKay soldiers emerged from the trees.

  It took several sips of ale for the wounded Munroe warrior to recover from the blow to his head, but he finally opened his eyes, acknowledging Jamie with a nod.

  Jamie had situated him in front of the fire.

  “I’ll have yer name,” Jamie demanded.

  “Duncan Munroe, nephew to Laird Munroe.”

  Had God given Jamie the foresight not to kill this man? For if he had cut down the laird’s nephew, it would have started a war between the MacKays and Munroes. “God’s grace is with ye tonight.”

  “I doona believe in grace, I believe in myself.”

  Kuresh chuckled. “I thought all Highlanders feared God.”

  Jamie shook his head. “This is no ordinary Highlander. He’s a bloody heathen from the isles. Leftovers from the days of Vikings.”

  Once again, Kuresh laughed. “All Highlanders have Viking blood running through their veins.”

  Duncan climbed to his feet suddenly, glaring at Kuresh. “What the fook is he?”

  Jamie looked between Duncan and Kuresh. “What do ye mean?”

  “Dark skin. Black hair and eyes like the devil.”

  “There is a fairy mound not too far from here,” Jamie offered. “But I doona think Kuresh is a bloody fairy—he’s too big and ugly.”

  Kuresh stepped closer to their prisoner, the fire casting shadows across his face and body. “Ugly?”

  “Doona come any closer,” Duncan said, obviously afraid.

  Jamie had witnessed other people react to Kuresh and his russet-skinned brothers the same way, afraid of strangers, of the unknown. But Clan MacKay had welcomed the foreigners with open arms, because they’d shed blood to save his people. “He’s a giant that will crush yer bones and eat yer tender Munroe flesh if ye doona answer my questions quickly.”

  The other MacKay soldiers laughed at Duncan’s expense.

  “W-what do ye want to know?” Duncan lowered himself into a sitting position again, keeping a sharp eye on Kuresh.

  “Why did ye follow Helen here? Why not stop her and alert her sire?”

  “My uncle wanted to find out what kind of character the lady possesses.”

  “Ye risk much letting her travel so far alone.”

  “We stayed close. The lady was never in danger.”

  Jamie frowned. The cold posed a threat to a woman who had always lived in sheltered comfort. “Tis the dead of winter.”

  “Aye. And if I thought she couldna withstand the cold, I would have ordered my men to take her into custody. Twas of more interest to see where she’d go. Much to my surprise, she rode into the arms of her father’s greatest enemies.”

  That made Jamie laugh. “Clan MacKay is hardly the worst of the earl’s rivals. Aye, there’s bad blood between us, but I can name three or four other clans more desperate for the earl’s noble head than the MacKays.”


  “Oliphants to start with.” Keely’s father had never recovered from the fact the Sutherlands had kept his only daughter a secret for five long years.

  “Laird MacKay’s father-in-law,” Duncan said.

  “Ye’re familiar with our history, then.”

  “Only what I’ve heard from the earl and his sons.”

  “I’m sure if ye listened to our version of the story, there’d be great discrepancies. Somewhere in-between is God’s indisputable truth.”

  “Maybe,” Duncan said. “Regardless of truth, ye canna keep Lady Helen. My uncle is betrothed to her, and he’s eager to claim his bride.”

  The idea of letting Laird Munroe touch Helen infuriated Jamie. “It doesna matter to me,” Jamie said. “The lady has requested sanctuary, and Laird MacKay has granted it.”

  Duncan frowned. “Ye know what this means?”

  “Aye, ye’re coming with us.”

  Chapter Four

  The arrival of Lady Helen had been a surprise. But when Jamie sent word back to Alex that he’d captured Laird Munroe’s nephew, he never expected the welcome he received as he rode through the gates with his prisoner. Hundreds of kinsmen and tenants filled the bailey, all curious to see Duncan Munroe.

  “What are ye going to do with me?” Duncan asked as Jamie tugged him from the saddle.

  “I am not the man to make that decision.” Jamie turned his prisoner around and freed his hands. “Since ye are the nephew of a laird, I will treat ye with respect. But doona take advantage of my kindness. If ye try to escape, I’ll bind ye hand and foot.”

  Duncan nodded. “I understand.”

  “Good.” Jamie aimed him in the direction of the keep.

  “Master Jamie,” Petro, Alex’s Italian secretary and friend, rushed down the stairs to greet him. “Laird Alex and the council are eager to see you and our distinguished guest.” He gazed at Duncan.
  Jamie scrubbed his face. His eyes burned from the lack of sleep. “I’d hoped to meet with Alex privately.”

  “Laird Alex informed the council as soon as he received your message. He believes they have a right to question the prisoner.”

  Jamie dinna always agree with how his cousin conducted clan affairs. As laird, he could administer justice as he saw fit. But Alex preferred involving his council and captains before he made important decisions. And since Jamie was a member of the council, his opinion mattered, and he’d give it.

  Jamie and his men followed Petro into the crowded great hall. The trestle tables were full, and Alex sat at the high table, looking as exhausted as Jamie felt.

  “Welcome home, Jamie,” Alex said, standing.

  “Laird Alex.” Jamie bowed formally. “We were on patrol north of here and found four Munroe soldiers on MacKay land.”

  “And did these men threaten yer life?”

  “Och, aye,” Jamie said. “I dinna give the bloody bastards a chance to say anything.”

  The room exploded with laughter.

  “But this one…” Jamie gave Duncan a shove forward. “Is the nephew of Laird Munroe himself. In the interest of peace, I spared his life.”

  “A wise choice,” Alex approved. “What is yer name?”

  Duncan straightened, holding his head high. “Duncan Munroe, heir to Laird Baran Munroe.”

  “And why are ye here, Duncan Munroe?”

  “To retrieve a piece of property for my uncle.”

  Jamie growled at those words. “She’s not a cow,” he murmured in Duncan’s ear. “The next time ye refer to her as a…”

  “What are ye telling Duncan?” Alex asked suddenly.

  By everything holy… Jamie gritted his teeth. “Nothing of importance, Cousin.”


  He couldna lie to Alex. “I’m reminding wee Duncan that women shouldna be considered a piece of property, as if they dinna possess souls or minds of their own.”

  “Some men would agree with the Munroe heir,” Mathe, the eldest council member, offered. “Depends on the lass ye’re speaking of.”

  “My Nellie is as sweet as a lamb,” a soldier called from one of the trestle tables. “But when she’s angry, she turns into a bear…”

  More laughter followed, and this time at Jamie’s expense.

  “The lady in question will do as she’s told,” Duncan said.

  “Oh?” Alex said as the room quieted. “Are ye in any position to make demands?”

  “The law favors my uncle,” Duncan said with confidence. “Release Helen Sutherland and I will take her home.”

  “To Dunrobin Castle or Skye?”

  Duncan dinna want to answer, so Jamie smacked the back of his head, where Kuresh had hit him with the club. “Show respect to my laird.”

  The Munroe heir turned violently, raising his fist in challenge.

  “Ye wish to fight?” Jamie started to unbuckle his weapon belt.

  “Jamie!” Alex stepped down from the dais. “Control yerself.”

  “I’ve already disposed of his men, why worry about another body to bury?” Jamie rolled up his tunic sleeves. “I’m happy to send ye to the devil.”

  Alex sighed with frustration, stepping between Jamie and Duncan. “Take yer seat at the high table, Jamie.”

  Jamie stiffened at the order. He dinna like being told what do as if he were a lad again. Besides, he’d like to punch the smug expression off Duncan’s face.

  “If ye doona wish to stay for the meeting, go take a bath in the loch,” Alex suggested.

  Jamie glanced around the room. All eyes were on him, waiting to see what he’d do. Alex and Jamie had a volatile relationship at times, both having clear visions of what was best for the clan. As the laird’s right hand, perhaps Jamie had been given too much power. And Alex wasna the same man who had arrived home two years ago. Marriage, and now fatherhood, had softened him some, made him more like his father. Jamie recognized the value in that. His cousin had matured into a capable leader.

  “I’ll take my seat.” Jamie cast a threatening look at Duncan before he turned and stomped to the dais.

  “Good. Now we can continue with the meeting. Earvin, bring a chair for our guest.”

  A younger soldier rushed to do the laird’s bidding, carrying a chair to a spot in front of the high table.

  “If ye’ll have a seat, Duncan, one of the maids will bring ye some ale.”

  Duncan sat, and Alex returned to his seat at the high table.

  Jamie scanned the entrances in the great hall. The guards had been doubled. There was no chance for Duncan to escape.

  “Our clans have no quarrel,” Alex told Duncan. “Why dinna ye ask for my help instead of hiding on my land like a common thief?”

  “Laird MacKay,” Duncan said, “isna safe passage granted to any man who is at peace with yer people?”

  “Aye. Small groups of men are permitted to cross our lands so long as they keep moving and doona help themselves to our livestock.”

  “Then I have broken no trust.”

  “Ye followed Lady Helen to my keep and dinna tell anyone ye were here.”

  “Aye. Twas necessary to confirm the lass’s intent.”

  “Her innocence is in question?”

  “Nay. Her loyalty.”

  “Loyalty?” Mathe interjected. “To who?”

  “My uncle.”

  “Does she know yer uncle?” Alex asked.

  “The two have never met. But she knows about the betrothal, and in the Highlands, that’s as good as speaking vows before the Almighty.”

  Alex’s eyebrows rose. “Do ye know why the lass ran away?”

  Duncan shrugged. “Does it matter? The outcome will be the same, she’ll return to Dunrobin Castle to face her father, then my uncle.”

  “Spare the rod, spoil the wife?” Jamie spat.

  Duncan smiled faintly. “Disobedience must be corrected immediately, whether dealing with a child or woman.”

  Alex cleared his throat. “The MacKays are not so heavy-handed with their women.”

  “And how has that leniency served ye, Laird MacKay? If the rumors are true, yer very own wife dishonored yer clan by running away for five years.”

  Jamie and several other men shot up from their chairs.

  Alex held up his hand. “If ye ever speak of my wife again, I’ll have ye flogged and thrown into a cell. Since ye lack manners and decency where women are concerned, I think it necessary to summon Lady Helen so she can speak on her own behalf.”

  “I am curious what the lady has to say,” Duncan said.

  “Earvin, inform Lady Helen’s guards that I want her escorted to the great hall. Bring her maid as well.”

  “Aye, milord.” The lad left the room.

  Jamie leaned close to Alex. “Ye’ve already granted her sanctuary.”

  “Ye take much interest in a woman I’ve commanded ye to stay away from.”

  “Twas me who captured that pile of shite.”

  “Aye,” Alex reluctantly admitted. “I canna dispute that. Ye are the perfect soldier, Jamie, with instincts that rival a wild beast’s. But doona be overly flattered by what I say, for the beasts might have incredible survival skills, but when it comes to rutting, they are blinded by lust and ruled by their pricks.”

  Jamie folded his arms across his chest. “I wouldna hurt Lady Helen.”

  “Not intentionally,” Alex said.

  “Not for any reason.”

  Looking as proud as a queen, Lady Helen, flanked by two guards and her maid, entered the great hall, silencing everyone. Dressed in a deep-blue wool gown with her long golden hair braided, Jamie imagined what her sweet lips would feel like against his own. Would she open up to him or reject his kisses? His gaze travelled lazily down her form, over her slim neck to her proud shoulders, and stopped where her generous breasts spilled over the neckline of her fine gown. She wore few embellishments: only a gold choker and a ruby ring on her right

  “Good morn, Lady Helen,” Alex said.

  “Milord.” Helen curtsied.

  “I apologize for calling ye from the comfort of yer chamber so early.”

  “Tis fine, milord, I have already broken my fast.”

  “If ye would look upon the man sitting in that chair.” Alex pointed to Duncan. “Do ye recognize him?”

  Jamie dinna miss Helen’s startled look. Aye, it only lasted for a blink of an eye before she recovered her composure, but he saw it. Which meant she dinna like Duncan.

  “Aye, milord. His name is Duncan Munroe. He’s a guest at Dunrobin Castle, sent as a representative of Clan Munroe to conduct his uncle’s business with my sire.”

  “And when did ye first meet him?”

  “The day my father called me to his solar to get me to sign the betrothal contract with Laird Munroe.”

  “Did ye sign the contract, Lady Helen?” Alex asked.


  Duncan cursed and stood. “Tis a lie. I have a copy of the contract right here.”

  Rage uncoiled in Jamie’s gut—how could Alex allow the vermin to openly insult Lady Helen? He had to fight to keep his mouth shut.

  “Ye carry a copy of the contract with ye?” Alex asked, sounding surprised.

  “At the behest of my uncle. Would ye care to see it?”

  “Sir,” Lady Helen said quietly, turning to Duncan, “I never signed a contract.”

  Duncan ignored her and handed the document to one of Alex’s guards. Alex received it and untied the leather cord holding the scroll closed. He unrolled it and examined the parchment carefully.

  “As ye can see,” Duncan said, “all the necessary signatures are there, and the official seals of Clan Munroe and Clan Sutherland.”

  “It appears to be legitimate,” Alex started. “But I have learned the hard way not to trust everything I see. My secretary is experienced at recognizing falsified signatures. Petro.”

  Jamie smiled with satisfaction. Alex had the lady’s best interest at heart.